Friday, 5 November 2010

Our Brand image

Before we could decide on precise ideas for our video, we had to think about the brand image of our artist. Due to the fact that we are using an already existing and established band, we decided that we would change the name in order to disassociate ourselves with the brand image already linked with radiohead. We felt that by changing the name it gave us a clean slate to work with and allow us much more creative freedom.

Before deciding on a specific name for our band, had to decide on our brand image. As our music is of the indie genre, we decided that we should try and create a brand image, which is entirely different to a lot of mainstream branding. We decided that our brand image was going to be that our artist was slightly dark and twisted and mysterious. We will try to portray this through the narrative of our video, the cinematography and mise-en-scene. We also felt that we would need a band name which reflects the image for our brand.

When coming up with a band name we jotted down lots of ideas on paper. A lot of these ideas were quite disjointed and made no sense, but we felt that by writting our ideas down, we may eventually be able to decipher and make sense of them.

The fina idea which we came up with for our band name is ellipsis. We felt that this reflected the brand image of our band due to the meaning behind the word. Ellipsis is the word which describes three dots in a piece of writting > '...' We thought that this would be a good name, because the three dots often indicate cliff hangers, which links with the mysterious element of our brand image.

Inspiration for our brand image

By Evie

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